Contextualizing cultural sculpture into public spaces


    Sabouri et al, in their study titled “Role of urban sculptures in Beautification and Improvement of quality of urban spaces (case study: Fuman County)” concluded that urban spaces are the places in which citizens' civil and social life occurs. Hence, attention to design of these spaces causes improvement of quality and realization of urban life and interaction between citizens and city. In their study, arrival of urban sculptures to public spaces has been mentioned as one of the suitable solutions for beautification and improvement of

    quality of urban spaces. Problem In Nairobi, there are many open spaces suitable for such sculptural expression. Unfortunately, the spaces are at best neglected, bare and devoid of recreational ambience. Objectives Hence, the present research sought to examine role of these sculptural elements in beautification and Improvement of quality of urban spaces. Design Library study, case study and distribution of questionnaire have been used as the research method. Setting: the study was conducted in Nairobi, Kenya under the auspices of the school of the Arts and Design of The University of Nairobi.