Fashion Needs Analysis Workshop

Fashion and Design students interact with Jan Miller an  international fashion incubation expert and  a team from the British Council East Africa Arts. The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities.

Fashion and Design students had an interesting guest learning session through a workshop with Jan Miller and  a team from the British Council East Africa Arts on 28th January,2020. Ms. Miller is a British Council East Africa Arts UK fashion lead  and an international fashion incubation expert. 

The talk was part of a three day Fashion Needs Analysis workshop happening in Nairobi between 29th and 31st January. The needs  analysis talk looked at the importance of undertaking a ''Needs Analysis'' as core support to the regional fashion business.   

The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. The Council is critical in connecting grants to creative Enterprises with unique selling points while promoting cultural arts between Kenya and UK.

Through the talk, the students were exposed to fashion incubation, setting up of competitive businesses, career expectation and challenges in the industry.

Hannah Robison, talked about the need for collaboration and branding as a key pillar for the creative communities.

Most students identified fashion and textile for sustainable development as their desired area of specialization while confirming the need for a needs analysis for the establishment of the rapid growing industry.

The Fashion Needs Analysis workshop would help fashion business expert to co-create a Toolkit to use in a regional context as a best practice with the help of Ms Miller.  The UK expert has previously prepared a toolkit for the council and which serves as a guide for fashion in its unique ecosystem.