Visit by Pro- Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barriteau of the University of the West Indies

Joint meeting and tour of an exhibition of the School of Arts by the visiting Vice Chancellor of the University of West Indies

A delegation from the University of West Indies, Barbados paid a courtesy visit to the School of Arts and Design. The University of West Indies Pro-Vice chancellor, Prof.Eudine Barriteau  accompanied by staff from the University and the ministry of Foreign Affairs- Kenya held discussions with the Director StAD.

The Friday 10th January 2020 meeting discussed key areas of cooperation among the two Universities acknowledgeding that there was need to establish a memorandum where both institutions could capitalize on an exchange program to benefit both students and staff within the faculties. Prof Barriteau and her team were specifically interested in the School of Arts and Design for its outstanding performance in the area of creative, culture and visual arts

The Director StAD, Dr. Osanjo was accompanied by Dr Mary Kimani, the Dean School of the Built  representing the College of Architecture and Engineering Principal. Dr Osanjo commended the team for taking interest in the school noting that it was not only a power house in Kenya but also within the East Africa region.She explained how the school has a vibrand creative and visual arts alumni in both public and private practise and it continues to produce competent learners.

Both teams from the West Indies University and University of Nairobi had a mutual agreement that the fourth revolution presented better opportunies for enhanced collaboration. Institutions of learning across the world are adopting E-learning; giving the learners an opportunity to gain knowledge through an internet enabled system. With this, students in distant places can attend a common class conducted miles away.

The event was attended by StAD academic staff who shared their distinct specializations in the creative field with the members of the delegation.