I am a passionate interior designer who has experience in both teaching and practicing areas of interior design. I have worked as a full-timer and part-timer interior designer with some interior design firms in Nairobi including Mushiq interiors, Remita design studio and Branphiq designs among other companies. This has enabled me to gain more knowledge in the industry. On the teaching side, I have had an opportunity to teach at Buruburu institute of fine Arts (BIFA) and share the knowledge that I have with young and upcoming interior designers. I am able to undertake a project from the conception stage of design to the final stage of implementation with ease.

Project Summary
Waste Minimisation Strategies For Sustainable Interior Design
Research Supervisors
Dr. Samuel Maina Mwituria, Mr. Collins S. Makuunda
Conventionally, interior design was viewed as a one-dimensional practice which was basically to offer beautiful spaces to the clients. Recently, the practice has experienced a dramatic change with the incorporation of strategies which emphasize designing environmentally sustainable and appropriate spaces for users to live in, work in and also play in. The awareness of environmental accountability is what sparked the necessity for an environmental sustainable interior design practice. Society at large is starting to recognize the link between spaces, people and community. Moreover, consumers of interior design are starting to recognize their role and influence in environmental protection.
This study makes emphasis on a case study of interior design firms within Nairobi County and its environs. The objective of this study is to establish the most appropriate waste minimization strategy used by interior designers, to determine the current waste minimization strategies used by interior designers in Nairobi and its environs and to propose a waste minimization strategy that can be adopted by interior designers in Nairobi and its environs to attain sustainable interior design. The literature was gathered through document analysis from published online journals and books. The sample size for the study was determined as 11 respondent interior design firms from a population of 110 interior design firms in Nairobi and its environs. Stratified simple random sampling technique was used to get the sample of interior design firms that was studied. The interior design firms in Nairobi was categorized into stratus of small, medium and large firms. The instruments that was used for data collection include in-depth interviews, questionnaire survey, focus group discussion and observational forms and checklists. This study creates awareness of the existing waste minimization strategies in interior design and also proposes a waste minimization strategy that can be adopted by Kenyan interior designers.